Thursday 12 September 2013

Initial Project Ideas

I have researched many possible subjects to base my project on and pathways to follow.

Illustration and Character Design has always interested me so i will most likely consider doing this above anything else, but i have explored other options and might choose to do photography instead if i can find the necessary resources i'll need to complete the project. I am also considering for the second part of the project which is classed at digital Storytelling, to attempt to create a short comic displaying a scene related to an event which occurred int eh 15th century.

The subjects i have considered at the moment for either part to the project are:

>Inventions int eh 15th Century
>Fashion based on the Wars
>Photoshoot of makeshift fashion/ hairstyles based on the 15th century
>Comic about witchcraft in the 15th century (perhaps a short tale of a witch and her downfall after being accused of witchcraft)
>Journal/Diary with illustrations of an accused witch in the 15th century

>More to be added<

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